Sunday, February 22, 2009


By: T.R. Slyder,

I've read a few articles lately talking about our Planets. That's all well and good and they all mentioned different acronyms to remember our (formerly) nine planets. Examples include, and are certainly not limited to:

My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Up Nine Pizzas

Most Valentines Eat More Jello Scoops Up North (now that Pluto is gone, they didn't include a "P")

My Very Elderly Mother Just Sits Up Nights.


There is one acronym that is far superior, and I've heard it only once before, so I feel like I can help by sharing it again. It's easy. It's effective. It's the best.

My Very Excellent Memory Just Served Up Nine Planets.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (Pluto). By far the best acronym ever for that. Just thought you should know.

1 comment:

Laurel Kornfeld said...

Pluto isn't gone. The controversial vote to demote Pluto was done by only four percent of the International Astronomical Union, most of whom are not planetary scientists. It was rejected immediately by hundreds of professional astronomers because the planet definition on which it is based is so poorly constructed. Many scientists reject that definition in favor of a broader one that says a planet is any non-self-luminous spheroidal body orbiting a star. By that definition, our solar system has 13 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.