Monday, December 22, 2008

Dear Uninspired Advertisers,

By: T.R. Slyder,

Dear Uninspired Advertisers,

HBO, I'll give you a pass since you originated the line, "It's not TV, it's HBO." fair enough. But Wendy's, what made it ok for you to say "It's not fast food; it's Wendy's?" You are indeed, fast food. You're great fas tfood, but you're fastfood. And now Ford is getting in on the played-out act with, "It's not a truck; it's the new F-150". So what exactly is it then? A hatchback? Oh right, it's not just "a" truck, it's an unoriginally marketed truck.

Got it.

That clarification brought to you by T.R. Slyder.

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