Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Plea to Techies

By: T.R. Slyder, TRSlyder@yahoo.com

Can someone please do a mashup of the Perez Hilton video, the TMZ video of him getting clocked "in the eye" (i.e. back of the head) and the 'Don't Taze me Bro' video?

That video would kick rear.


P.S. Two more thoughts about that hilarious altercation- 1) has Perez never heard the phrase "fighting words"? That's kinda how they got their name, and the word he used, along with the P-word, are the two most effective fighting words.

2) What if Will.I.Am's manager and alleged assaulter hit Hilton only to defend the honor of gays? Maybe he has gay friends or relatives and took exception, on their behalf, when Hilton called him those names. Wouldn't that be ironic?

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