Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Disappointment in Cubs Vendors

By: T.R. Slyder,

So the Cardinals vendors concocted this t-shirt. Apparently the humor lies in the notion that 1. Carlos Zambrano is Hispanic, and, 2. Lower-class Hispanics commonly mow lawns for higher class people. Obviously that is hilarious because it's racially insensitive and because the Cardinals have a number of Hispanic players as well. Great job, Cardinals t-shirt mongers!

But the Cubs recently countered with an equally offensive/not funny t-shirt, only it was far less original. It says simply, "Pujols Mows My Lawn" and uses the same image. If you're gonna set your brain to "offensive t-shirt mode" shouldn't it be funnier?

I would have liked to have seen, "The Cardinals signed Pujols at a Home Depot Parking Lot" on a t-shirt instead. Then the t-shirt could feature his stupid squatty stance in the parking lot, signing a contract that is being handed to him by a guy with a crappy pickup truck with the Cardinals logo on it.

Step up your game, Cubs t-shirt mongers.

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