Thursday, September 18, 2008

Open Letter to Keira Knightley

By: T.R. Slyder,


I know you're busy, so I'll keep it brief. What the hell happened? That wasn't rhetorical, I want an answer; and I think answering that would do you and your career a lot of good as well. Here is the thought that every single dude had when they first saw you, "Wow, that girl's gorgeous. Cute accent.....She seems like she's kinda cool." Now when people see you they think "God, shut up. No wait.... eat first, then shut up- eat while you're shutting up..... then turn down doing another period piece for once, all while staying shut up. Then when you're allowed to speak again talk about something other than yourself and media misconceptions in all of your interviews."

What happened between then and now, Keira? Keira, look at me: What happened? I'm sure it's hard to achieve hotness and then maintain it. And as a dude, I know it's VERY hard for a chick to ruin her hotness by being a moron. You've done all three, but only two are good. I hate to see you this way, how can I help?

T.R. Slyder

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