Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cubs Emotion-o-Meter 9.10.08

By: T.R. Slyder,


Cubs lost. But so did Milwonky. Same old 4.5 games. I'm ok with that. Now it's 18 games to play. Sorry to disappoint, but the Emotion-o-Meter will not be changing as a result. So here it goes again.

Cubs Emotion-o-Meter word(s) of the day: Vigilant Optimism. No reason for panic, or all-out "concern", but something to watch.

Cubs Emotion-o-Meter Picture that sums up how knowledgeable Cubs fans ought to be feeling right now:

One cool cucumber customer.

(in the interest of full disclosure I misspelled "knowledgeable" before I spell-checked. I may not be a knowledgeable fan, myself. But I am "knowledgable", at least.)

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