As far as I know, Miami U. has never been mentioned on Saturday Night Live. So it was doubly random that in last week's episode not only were two playersportrayed in a sketch as Miami freshman, but one of them was a member of a sexually bizarre household. Furthering the oddity, Miami University was never mentioned by name- the students simply wore Miami t-shirts.
Your thoughts?
P.S. If Miami's portrayal somehow implies that its reputation in academia is anything short of sterling, I would like to present this video to refute that assertion.
All you armchair academicians please note: When the camera
P.P.S. When was the last time you witnessed a student body applaud more heartily at the very presence of law enforcement? Ostensibly, these students put aside their studies for 10 minutes or so one night, just to applaud the efforts of the Oxford P.D. and the Miami University P.D.. This is what people mean when they say "Midwestern Values".
Other Miami University related post- All I Want For Christmas