Showing posts with label Mr. Mackey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr. Mackey. Show all posts

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Very WhereAwesomeHappens Christmas

By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter

We do it every year here.

Oh, and this AWESOME video that is NSFW. Made by the same guys who did the Charlie Brown video above.

That's how I roll.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lookalikes v. 25.0- Mr. Mackey from South Park and Richard Wolffe

By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter

Hey, Wolffe, Dick- your ethics are bad, mmm kay?

Other journalist lookalikes:

Jane Velez-Mitchell and Nicholas from Eight is Enough

Dana Bash and an Afghan Dog

I'm T.R. Slyder, and that's how you Tangueray.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Cheer

By: T.R. Slyder,

The first one's video can be seen here. But the audio and still frame can be found here.

This is also a doozey. The Holidays are all about Günther.

Und zees von. More Günther.

You are also obligated to check out How The Grinch Stole Kwanzaa.