By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
Note: I was unable to enlarge this picture to the extent of where I first saw it. If what I say about the photo above isn't abundantly clear to you at first glance please see the larger version of that picture here.
This is a photo of the new movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The title charcter, is the short, pale kid third from the right.
This is a photo of the new movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The title charcter, is the short, pale kid third from the right.
I will just come out and say it: I think that kid's crotch has been photoshopped to make it look like he has a vagina. )Look at the link to see a bigger photo. )
Here's what will happen: You'll say, "what kind of pervert are you? You must be sick. I will look, but if it is not totally, 100% black and white obvious what you're alleging, then you are disgusting. If it is that obvious though, you may have a point." Then after looking you'll agree that it's too obvious to not be a photoshop job. It isn't a photo of a real wrestling team that I am alleging is photoshopped, it's a movie poster that attempts to make obvious which kid is the wimpiest, or least manly. How could you imasculate a kid? Oh I don't know, how about the time-tested method- give him a cameltoe.
Below is blowup of the area in question. Were folds in fabric a coincidence?