Showing posts with label Dorks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dorks. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dork Chatroom Uncovered

By: T.R. Slyder,

So I posted a link to my blog on the message board of a Cubs website. I thought I'd try to drum up some exposure for my site, and see if fellow Cubs fans agreed with my point of view. Apparently the more cultish regulars there thought my blog was lame found my posting overly self-promotional. Fair enough, I guess.

Then today on the same message board, I posted something Cubs-related that had nothing to do with my blog and the cultish regulars were like "Dude, why didn't you mention your lame blog again?". Again, fair enough. Ribbing the new guy is fine with me, but it's that tightly-knit/cultish that they concern themselves with fellow posters? No big deal, I thought.

But then I noticed via, the site that monitors my webtraffic, that I'd gotten a bunch of new hits since I posted on that message board a few minutes ago. StatCounter also enables you to see where your hits come from. For instance, if links to a story of mine and someone visits, Statcounter tells me the IP Address of the visitor, when they visited, how long they stayed and the referring link- in this case.

So the referring links I've been getting were from this place I'd never heard of: (once you click the link, look for the posting by "PenFoe" at 2:52 PM. The link does not take you exactly to that posting at the 2:52 mark, so you'll have to navigate your way there. After that's one you can also refresh your browser to catch up with the latest of their awesome cubicle "lives"!)

It turns out that five or six of the cultish-dork-regulars from that site all chat on that webchat site all day long, like a bunch of chatty women at a hair salon. They've been on the site chatting ALL DAY about zero. So even though they told me my site was lame, they still passed around more than a few of my articles. They spend their days forwarding eachother their favorite celebrity pictures, photoshopped McCain pictures, links to their next ballroom dancing gigs, and all the quasi-witty posts they've made on their myriad of other message boards. Apparently, this is how they spend their lives.

They also think that I'm not actually me, but some other cultish regular under a different name. One of them even had the free time to create a webchat name of TR Slyder to pretend it was me defending myself (lamely, I may add). Then they were like "Yeah, 'TR' has to be the invention of [some random friend of theirs]....But I just don't know if he'd make up a phony blog like that just to throw us off." (!!) That idea strikes them as even plausible??!! They're friends have THAT much free time. Good lord. And thhese people will be voting.

The odd thing: They never mention their girlfriends during their awesome conversation. Funny how that works. You have to check out their lame-o chat. They're still chatting live.

Enjoy how the lamer half lives!

UPDATE: Their archives don't stay up for too long, so the previously mentioned hilarity is now off of their message board. But it's still worth a visit if you want to feel cooler about yourself.

See Also: What do you think Sarah Palin's Yahoo Password Was?