By: T.R. Slyder,, @AndyDisco on Twitter
courtesey of Maxwell Colette's Flickr page
And this just days after finding a Blagojevich bomb was put up in Lakeview, presumably done by CRO.
That's how I roll.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
2 new Banksy pieces
Friday, May 7, 2010
Blagojevich Tag Now in Lincoln Park (well Lakeview, technically)!
By: T.R. Slyder,, @AndyDisco on Twitter
I was walking west on Diversey today (a block west of Clark) and what do I see in an alley but the work of my favorite Chicago graffiti artist?
Here was my view from Diversey
And upon closer inspection:
A little Jailhouse Rock motif for our Elvis-loving-soon-to-be-jailed, ex-governor.
Job well done, Ray. Thanks for bombing where I live! It looks great.
That's how I roll.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
On Race and Big Big Boobs
By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
Harry Reid's recent remarks about Obama and his ethnicity reminded me of something. At first I realized that there have been a lot, "This is racially offensive!!! (Wait, is this racially offensive?? Hang on, I need to go ask my black friend if I should be angry about this or not.) You have Rush Limbaugh's offensive Barack The Magic Negro song, you have Harry's new comments, when Joe Biden called him a "clean" candidate during the primaries people assumed he was being racist, you also have Rod Blagojevich telling Esquire magazine that he's blacker than Barack Obama, etc.
It reminded me of when you have a female who has very, very large breasts.
I think everyone has had an experience similar to this: You have a friend with big boobs, or your girlfriend has a friend with huge boobs, and everyone knows she has big boobs, but it's not like you sit and talk about them all the time, but you've all acknowledged them in some way. Then there is a late night at a bar when you and a few other friends (maybe a group of 6 or 7) and she's in the group and the topic of her boobs comes up. Maybe she's showing a lot of cleavage that night, maybe a drunken member male member of the group mentions them, maybe a female squeezes them. Something happens. Then it's like all the air has been let out of the bag and everyone breathes a sigh of relief, then makes the comment they've always been thinking about making regarding her big boobs.
Everyone basically makes one comment about them and they run the gamut of appropriate enough, (do they hurt your back? do you always catch guys staring at them? do you ever wish they weren't so big?) to the possibly skeezy (I'm a total boob guy I just think your boobs are great. I've always thought that. So....keep up the good work) to the definitely skeezy, (Can I PLEASE motorboat them? No, ok then will you stand up on a chair so I can run, full-speed into them face-first? PLEASE. I am willing to pay for this privelege.)
Racial differences have been around as long as big boobs have been around but it's still something people notice, but aren't sure what is approrpriate to say about them, and what is better left unsaid. And the more people have to clam up about it, the more people just want to talk about it, and whenever there's the slightest opening, someone is gonna jump in with both feet and again prove the Mark Twain phrase about it being better to be silent and perceived a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
So stay strong, large-breasted women who are the only member of their race in a given social setting.
That's how I roll.
Friday, October 16, 2009
More Blagojevich Awesomeness
By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
I'm not talking about him being on Celebrity Apprentice. I'm talking about this Investigative Report by the Chicago Sun-Times about Hot Rod's jobs-for-favors policy.
You still got it, Rod!
That's how I roll.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Rod Blagojevich Suffers his Biggest Indignity yet!
By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
I just saw that he has been featured on the website: Now that's just adding insult to injury.
Rock meet bottom. Wait, that is a mixed metaphor. What I mean is, this is rock bottom for Hot Rod (Hot Ronda?).
I'm T.R. Slyder, and that's how you Tangueray.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Some Amusing Links
By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
R. Blagoj. and wife Pa. Bla. are gonna be on The View on 9/9
Apple sells $2.4 billion worth or iPhone apps annually.
If Famous Graphic Artists Were Web Designers If you have ever found art amusing at all, you'll enjoy the images in this article (you can just browse it and look at the pictures) for instance. At left is Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue, 1927 by Piet Mondrian. At right is the author's rendering of how he may have designed a "window vase" if alive and working today.
They give other artists similar treatment. Warhol, Basquiat, Frank Stella, Yves Klein, Monet, Matisse, Georges Braque and others.
The Travers is on Saturday. You can expect a column on here tomorrow about it, complete with predictions.
I'm T.R. Slyder, and that's how you Tangueray.
Friday, August 14, 2009
More Blagojevich Talk
By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
I love me some Hot Rod!
I tried to embed this video but the code was wonky. You can check out Jon Stewart giving it to him here.
I'm T.R. Slyder, and that's how you Tangueray.
Monday, August 10, 2009
In No Way is Rod Blagojevich NOT the man!
By: T.R. Slyder,, AndyDisco on Twitter
Just your average removed-from-office governor singing Elvis tunes.
Watch CBS Videos Online
I'm T.R. Slyder, and that's how you Tangueray.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Roland Burris Really is a Moron
By: T.R. Slyder,
The Trib is reporting that Roland Burris was caught on tape telling Rod Blagojevich's brother that he'd be will to present then-Governor Rod Blagojevich with a check, if appointed to a Senate seat.
That information was made available a day after a judge announced that a secretly-recorded phone conversation between Burris and Blago's brother would be used in the Blagojevich trial. When reached for comment about it yesterday, an attorney representing Burris said that he was glad the tape was being used as evidence, because he was sure that its contents, whatever they were, would help exonerate Bloagevich and Burris. He was wrong.
The Sun-Times provides a transcript of the phone call here.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Rod and Patti Blagojevich to Have Role on I'm A Celebrity....Get me out of Here
By: T.R. Slyder,
Patti will be a full-fledged contestant and Rod will have some kind of job that surprises us, according to him. This is a great day for America.
For anyone who isn't familiar with the Blagojeviches, just trust me. They'll amuse you.
Friday, May 1, 2009
This is more than a little awesome
By: T.R. Slyder,
Hot Rod Blagojevich is now Chicago Street art along the lines of Banksy's work. I couldn't be happier. You can read more about the street art here.
He was also offered an internship at a HookerHouse in Nevada. Aweshome.
Friday, April 24, 2009
R. Blagoj. Still the Man
By: T.R. Slyder,
He was doing a promo for I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here the other day, despite not being allowed to travel to the shooting of the show. He was also caught by a bystander checking out some chick's boobies. He's probably my favorite governor removed from office ever.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Worst News Possible: Blagojevich DENIED Permission to Appear on Reality Show
By: T.R. Slyder,
Man of Dignity, Rod Blagojevich is not allowed to travel to Costa Rica to film the reality show, I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, as reported today in the Chicago Tribune. So many random thoughts swirling through my head right now...Where to begin? (btw: Sun-Times' piece on it is here)
- First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with me and my family at this time. I REALLY wanted this show to happen. Phone calls to myself have not yet been returned, but surely, I must be devasted.
- Despite what I reported last night, this is obvious proof that god does not exist.
- Newspapers wonder why their circulation is down and their industry is hurting so badly. Well, maybe its because you print such depressing news all the time! If the Trib had any brains at all, they would have lied to us about this, then left the factual reporting to television, thereby making them the bad guy. It's like when you go to a friend's house, take a plop in his toilet, don't flush then leave. Of course he's gonna get blamed for it, despite his innocence.
- So THIS is what people mean when they say life isn't fair.
- This ruling is unconstitutional. We are entitled to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by the Constitution....oh wait....*hand to my ear* I'm just receiving word that the United States Constitution does NOT guarantee that, rather it appears in the Declaration of Independence. Well, still....
- The ruling is un-Declaration of Independence-ish! I guess this judge still wishes we were ruled by an English King.
- Speaking of the judge, I have a picture of him from childhood.
- Looks like Daddy had a few too many of those Bartles and Jaymes. So really, the judge wasn't ruling against Blagojevich, he was ruling against his imprudent father. To bring it all full circle, I bet the judge played the guitar while reading his verdict too, just for closure.
Update: In my own words, this is kinda how I feel, regarding my anticipation for watching a Rod Blagojevich-less I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Maybe the Best Television Show Possible- Now with 100% More Sanjaya
By: T.R. Slyder,
I just read that joining R. Blagoj. on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here are Heidi and Spencer, Janice Dickinson, Dog the Bounty Hunter and Geraldo Reviera.
If R. Blagoj. is allowed to participate this is already in my top 3 favorite reality shows of all time, joining The Joe Schmo Show and Kid Nation.
UPDATE: It just got better. SANJINA is going to be on it too!!!! Sweet God and Baby Jesus.
I no longer think the lord works in mysterious ways. This is a very blatant testimony that he wants us to be happy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
More Rod Blagojevich Awesome Happened
By: T.R. Slyder,
The Chicago Tribune is reporting that in 2007 then-Governor Blagojevich sent Lou Piniella a handwritten letter giving him some managerial advice. You can see the note if you click on the link. You are the best, Rod.
Blagojevich Hoping to be on "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here"!!
By: T.R. Slyder,
He wants to be on the has-been reality show, "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here" but he needs permission from a Federal judge to do so, due to his currently being in a federal corruption case. You can read about it in today's Chicago Tribune.
That guy is the best.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Things With Blagojevich are Impeachy Keen, Thanks for Asking.
By: T.R. Slyder,
R. Blagoj. (as Linda Cohn would call him) just became the first Illinois Governor to get his get impeached on.
Do I expect R. Blagoj. to just lay down and do nothing about this? Heck no. If history, or the photo below, has taught us anything it is that R. Blagoj is a fighter.
kinda reminds me of this
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Truer Words Have Never Been Written in the Chicago Tribune
By: T.R. Slyder,
Today's Tribune runs an editorial that says the following:
"So let's get back to the only issue here: This state and the U.S. Senate have every reason to avoid the taint of a U.S. senator....."
And you know what? Those words are as true today as they were during much simpler times. I like that.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Rod Blagojevich is Now More Awesome Than Ever
By: T.R. Slyder,
Nut Blag did it again! Mr. 7% Approval Rating just went ahead and appointed a Senate successor to Obama's seat, anyway. Despite being told by everyone that matters, that they'd reject anyone he was stupid enough to name to the Senate, Blagojevich appointed Roland Burris to the Senate.
This strategy was 4-fold for Hot Roddy.1- It maintains Blago's staunch stance of denial. He thinks that if he can close his eyes, the problem will go away. Making an appointment anyway is consistent with his ethos of "Ok, I am under investigation, but I still have a job to do. I won't just sit around all day with my feet up, waiting to be found guilty."
2- Since Roland Burris is black (and yes, he has a mustache), this engraciates Blagojevich to the African-American community, which has historically been a key demographic for him. Which is odd since Rod has no chance of ever gaining an elected office again.
3- Burris is a safe pick. He was the Illinois Attorney Gengeral a few years ago, and has a clean record and basically has as little controversey around him as one can have. So in essence, Blagojevich is defying the Senate to shoot this pick down.
4- It just makes Rod more awesome.
Rod, you're the best. Around. Nothing is ever gonna keep you down.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
WhereAwesomeHappens Love Child Investigation 9.0
Encore presentation.
The Worst Governor In 50 Years. Rod Blagojevich.
By T.R. Slyder,
We at Where Awesome Happens have proof that Steve Carell and Former US Attorney General Janet Reno had a love child. The proof is, of course current Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Let's hope Blago's fear isn't to be in the blogosphere. Hello-ooo.
Other lookalikes:
Roger Clemens and Uncle Joey's Puppet, Woodchuck
David Wright and Steve Eigenberg
Jane Velez Mitchell and Adam Rich
Amy Poehler and Cindy McCain
Louis CK and Jim Cramer
Stephen Colbert and Jamie Gold
Dana Bash and an Afghan Dog
Brandon DiCamillo and Paul Scheer
Bristol Palin and Shawn Johnson
Fred Thompson and a Shar Pei Dog
Steve from Married With Children, and Calvin's Dad, from Calvin and Hobbes
Buck Martinez and Carl, from Billy Madison
Brandon DiCamillo and Paul Scheer
Mauro Renallo and Seth MacFarlane
Charles Barkley and Bald Bull