Showing posts with label Infomercial Before Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infomercial Before Video. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Plea to Techies

By: T.R. Slyder,

We all know that infomercials are really cheesey, and what I think is the single cheesiest component of them is the black and white "Before" scenes/pictures. They could maybe be called something like, "Life without our product" scenes.

You know what I'm talking about. There was one that stands out for me, it was for some kind of spatula that did it all, and they show an attractive woman smiling while flipping pancakes for her smiling kids. Then the "before" video was her with messy hair, in black and white, it was filmed like a horror movie on a hand held camera, and she was frying either fish or eggs in like an inch of oil and trying to flip it over, but it just broke apart, and the pieces flew over the pan causing oil to splash.

Anyway, my plea to the techies is for a compilation of all of these "Before"s. Beauty products are always great, I love how the before is always black and white, with frumpy clothes and they're alone in their room. Whereas the "after" has them in a cocktail dress on a date at a swanky restaurant.

Thechies, you ignored my plea to make a mashup of the Perez Hilton Getting Punched/Don't Taze Me Bro videos, but please do the right thing this time.