Showing posts with label Improv Everywhere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Improv Everywhere. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2009

Improv Everyone- One Hell of a Model Group of Americans

By: T.R. Slyder,

I'm not all that familiar with much of their stuff, but I like knowing they exist. My sister showed me this video a few months ago and I just now decided to post it (not sure what caused the delay). Anyway, it's awesome and the placards are worth pausing on and reading.

I think that I kinda invented this though. I've been taking a flask full of booze with me wherever I go for years. That way, whenever I pull it out I feel like I'm at a party or some kind of convivial social event- much like how the champagne was deftly used in this piece. Is it kinda lame, am I a douchebag, or do I secretly think I'm awesome? Nooo.....noooo.......and yes!